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  • Your child’s place on a Cygnets term time course is booked and paid for using the website’s online booking form, which you will be emailed upon booking.

  • Places on all other Cygnets services are booked via phone/ email and paid for via bank transfer.

  • If an enquiry is made via telephone, email, contact form, or in person, you will be directed to fill in the online booking form and/or make payment via bank transfer. All places will only be secure once the online booking form has been completed (for a term time course), and full payment has been received. Until this is complete, the place is not secured and may be offered to another party.




  • Responsibility for the details of bookings and payment lies with the person making the initial booking. Places are allocated on a strictly first come first served basis.

  • If the Cygnets class or course you require is fully booked, you will be placed on a waiting list. In the event of a space becoming available, Cygnets will contact you via email or phone.

  • If for any reason, a participant withdraws from a Cygnets class/ course after being accepted, Cygnets reserves the right to withhold the full class/ course fee. This also applies to sickness.




  • For the term time courses, payments are made on a subscription basis every four months from the initial booking. Unless Cygnets is otherwise notified in writing by the parent before the sixth (6th) week of the course (including half term), a student is automatically re-enrolled onto the course for the following term. If you do not notify Cygnets before the sixth (6th) week of the course that you do not wish a student to be re-enrolled onto the following term of the course, Cygnets reserves the right to withhold the full course fee for the next term, regardless of attendance of the student.




  • All accounts must be paid in full, in advance, by the deadline given, for the participant to attend any Cygnets service. Until payment has been received, the place is not secured and may be offered to another party.


Arrival & Departure


  • Each participant will be registered in at the start, and signed out at the end of each class on the register provided by the teacher. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure they always comply with these procedures, and inform the teacher at the beginning of the class if any person other than themselves will be signing the student out.

  • Parents may only leave the classroom once the register has been signed.

  • If a student is to arrive and leave Cygnets classes on their own, parents must inform Cygnets of this in writing beforehand.

  • All students must arrive no earlier than five minutes before the start of the class, and be collected no later than five minutes after a session. Cygnets is unable to supervise students before or after these times.


Programme Changes


  • Cygnets reserves the right to change course specifications and teaching staff wherever necessary.

  • A full refund will be provided in the unlikely event of the class or course being cancelled.


Personal Property


  • All personal property is the participants’ responsibility. Expensive and/or treasured items should not be brought to Cygnets classes.

  • Suitable “messy” clothing or an apron/ art smock should always be worn.


Meals and Snacks


  • Participants are advised to bring their own water-based drinks and snacks to Cygnets classes with their name clearly labelled. Please note that Cygnets classes are NUT-FREE ZONES and any nut based products brought into the premises will be confiscated and returned to parents at the end of the class.


Health and Injuries


  • Students participate at their own risk and parents are obliged to inform Cygnets and its staff of any existing injuries or medical conditions upon bookingg. In regards to the term time courses, all application forms must have any known medical conditions stated and any changes to such information must be notified to Cygnets immediately in writing.

  • Any medication left on the premises must be clearly labelled and the student should, unless Cygnets has agreed in writing otherwise, be able to administer it themselves.

  • If a student is unwell or has an accident requiring emergency treatment, the parent will be contacted via the emergency contact details provided when booking. These numbers must always be contactable whilst the student is attending the Cygnets activity.

  • Parents are solely responsible for ensuring that the emergency contact details on Cygnets' records are up to date. These can be updated by via email or telephone.




  • During Cygnets classes, photographs and videos may be taken of participants during activities. These images may be used for publicity purposes in an image, on video, on our website, or in printed publications. Parents must let Cygnets know upon booking if they would like their child/children to be excluded from any photographs/ videos.


Equal Opportunities


  • We consider language, behaviour or action that is designed to be offensive or creates discrimination or disruption to any user of a Cygnets service or member of staff, unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If any behaviour at Cygnets is considered inappropriate, the offending pupil or pupils will be given a clear warning. If the behaviour persists, and is considered to be affecting the equilibrium of the class, then a parent will be contacted either during or after the class, and the pupil asked to leave and/or not return.




  • Cygnets endeavours to satisfy all our valued participants. If you have any concerns or suggestions please tell us and we will make every effort to rectify matters.



Cygnets is a children's art school based in Bromley. Our focus is on the teaching of traditional skills such as drawing, painting & sculpture, combined with unique projects; experienced teachers, and professional quality materials.

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